GIROPTIC France is a private electronic R&D and manufacturing company based in Lille, France. GIROPTIC has an international team, with over 100 man years of relevant experience in semiconductor and visual computer design engineering. GIROPTIC specializes in 360° vision technology.
In the middle of 2014, GIROPTIC headed to Kickstarter to look for $150,000 to create the world's first full HD 360° camera. By the time the campaign ended, it had raised nearly $1.5 million, and was on its way to becoming a real thing. This handheld 360cam is a wonder. Not only can it capture video and photos, but it's also able to deliver real time streaming video over Wi-Fi. Its 360° videos are complemented by surround sound captured by the 360cam's three microphones. With universal mounting capabilities, you'll be sure you can capture everything -- anywhere you go. It's even waterproof! The 360cam offers far more than casual personal use, though. It can be an extremely simple cloud-based security system, or it can share an in-person experience (like a concert) with people all over the world.