Rollkers SAS

Rollkers SAS

Sands - 75762


Founded in 2012, ROLLKERS SAS develops, patents and markets a revolutionary electronic personal transportation device called "Rollkers". Rollkers allow their users to travel, while walking or strolling, up to 7mph. Pedestrians walking naturally on Rollkers increase their speed without any effort.

What to See and Why

You don't need to be a superhero to walk twice as fast as you can now -- you just need to strap on a pair of Rollkers, the world's first electronic "under shoes." Rollkers helps you increase your average walking rate up to 7 miles per hour. Best of all, Rollkers are immediately balancing, and they don't require any specific training. That means you won't have to learn a brand new skill, like when you learned how to roller skate for the first time. Rollkers are small and light, which means they're easy to carry with you anywhere, anytime. Best of all, they fit all sizes of shoes. Roll on!
