Whirlpool Corporation

Whirlpool Corporation

Sands - 73937


Every act of care counts. And because Whirlpool brand truly believes this, they design appliances that sense and adapt to the way your family lives. The brand has thoughtfully balanced the latest technology with features that exceed expectations and help you better care for your family, every day.

What to See and Why

Whirlpool's products all work to make your home a smarter place. Its newest washers and dryers no work with Nest in an effort "to sync your laundry with your life." The company's new Duet with HybridCare System is its most efficient dryer ever. New technology is putting smart in the kitchen, the heart of every home, to build toward Whirlpool's vision of the "Kitchen of the Future 2.0."

These innovations are part of Whirlpool's "Every day, care" project, which is dedicated to helping families thrive. Whirlpool says day-to-day tasks like washing, cooking and cleaning have "an impactful expression of love and play a fundamental role in shaping the people we love and the world in which we live." Clean clothes mean better attendance rates for schools; family dinners improve childhood vocabulary and make us healthier; and sharing chores makes society stronger.
